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Slipping, tripping and falling on same level at work accident, no win, no fee claims

What Should You do if You’ve Been Injured by an Accident at Work?

Slipping, tripping and falling on same level at work accident, no win, no fee claims

Every business, regardless of how “safe” the workplace environment is deemed to be, should have an Accident Book. Having records of injuries sustained by accidents creates an official account of the factors and details surrounding your particular case – which is especially helpful if you pursue compensation.

Collecting photographs of the area that you were injured in helps paint a picture in the minds of our solicitors of how the accident happened and what might have contributed to it.

Getting witness testimonies from colleagues or even customers present for the accident will help lend credibility to the claim. It’s a good idea to get a profile of the culture of the workplace too, which might point to affecting influences like overworking or negligence.

The main thing is to make your recovery a priority, as returning to work only partial healed-up might make your prone to further injury, or musculoskeletal problems.

Furthermore, keep a record of any ongoing pain, discomfort or trauma you might experience as a result of the accident. It can show how your injury might affect you long-term and give a more accurate view to the appropriate compensation for it.

When you feel comfortable to do so, contact our team of workplace accident specialists who will discuss the details of your claim with you – if and how much compensation you might be due. Call on 08082391859^.


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