No Win, No Fee, Employer Negligence Compensation Claims
We want anyone who has become a victim of employer negligence to have access to legal services, regardless of their background, beliefs or financial situation. This is why our panel of expert employer negligence solicitors offer their services on a no win, no fee basis. This enables claimants to seek compensation without having to stress over expensive fees that would inhibit their access to justice. If you’ve been injured from an accident, or suffered work-related ill-health, and it wasn’t your fault, you needn’t worry about legal costs in holding your employer to account — we’re here to help.
You have a legal right to claim damages when an employer has caused you harm, and you also maintain that right without fear of being fired for exercising it. Not all people employed will be able to afford a solicitor if they’re injured or become sick because of their workplace, so our no win, no fee legal services help you level the playing field. This is particularly helpful when navigating the complexities of personal injury claims, as proving negligence can be tricky even if you know who’s at fault.
If you’re at all unclear on what a no win, no fee employer negligence claim means for your case, and if you are eligible to seek compensation in that way, speak to our team on 08082391859^. We’ll be able to quickly identify if you have a claim and explain how “no win no fee” works.
What types of claims can you seek no win, no fee compensation ?
With very few exceptions, the vast majority of cases of workplace injury and occupational illness can be made on a no win, no fee basis. We can provide no win, no fee employer negligence claims for accidents like falling from a height, being hit by a moving vehicle or from objects flying or falling onto you. In terms of industrial illnesses, claiming for lung diseases, like COPD, asbestos exposure and more severe musculoskeletal disorders, like Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome, can be done on a no win, no fee basis. If you’ve suffered any of these, or indeed any other types of injury or illness, because of your workplace, speak to our team on 08082391859^ to discuss if your cases can be made on a no win, no fee basis.
Can I seek compensation on a no win, no fee basis for a deceased loved one?
This is something we can help with, but strongly suggest you speak to us about claiming no win, no fee damages for a lost loved one for a concrete answer. There are a few complexities, but we will take the lead on the case to enable you to focus on what counts and enable us to seek justice and financial support for you after such a tragedy. Speak to us on 08082391859^ for friendly and empathetic, no win no fee claim guidance.
“If my employer negligence claim is successful, what do I pay?”
Obviously, nobody can or should work for free, and when it comes to providing complex legal services, solicitors are no exception. Establishing liability, gathering facts and evidence, seeking witnesses, negotiating with the negligent company’s legal staff and preparing all manner of documents takes considerable time and attention to detail. This is why when making no win, no fee claims we take out After The Event insurance, or ATE, on your behalf to have our costs covered, which means you have less reason to worry if your claim is unsuccessful.
A no win, no fee agreement is subject to our panel’s employer liability solicitor agreeing to take on your case and appropriate insurance cover being in place. When a compensation claim is successful, there will be a Success Fee. Such fees will not exceed 25% of recovered damages, including VAT. This fee will be subject to your individual circumstances.

There are a few rare exceptions, which our panel solicitor can explain to you in more detail. If no damages are recovered, then no fee is payable by you. Your agreement will be direct with our panel’s employment negligence solicitor, who is a third party and not owned or employed by us. Early termination fees may apply if you decide not to proceed or fail to follow reasonable legal advice. These fees will be based on an hourly fee rate as set by that panel solicitor. We may receive a payment from the solicitor who handles your claim, to whom we pass details if your case is accepted.
If you would like to discuss making an employer negligence claim on a no win, no fee basis, contact us today. When you contact us, we will be able to inform you whether we are able to take on your case on a no win, no fee basis. If we cannot, we will also provide you with advice about alternative means of financing your claim. You can reach us on 08082391859^.
What advantages do I have if I claim for employer negligence compensation with Workplace Injury Claims?
- We have a team of technical qualifiers who can assess your claim for free. If they feel you have a case, we bring your claim to one of our panel solicitors — that way you don’t run up any legal fees by just asking questions.
- Our telephony team is available daily, and you can leave them a message with our contact form, and they’ll get back to you within a few working days.
- Our panel of employer liability solicitors can work on a no win, no fee basis, meaning again, you’re not drumming up expensive legal fees by claiming for your personal injury or illness.
- Our team covers the whole of the UK, and you’ll be assigned to a panel solicitor depending on if you’re in England and Wales, or Scotland.
- We can also help with rehabilitation; arranging physio or, in harsher situations, surgery and medical treatment. We offer a full accident management package.
- We have a UK call centre, based in Manchester, and come from all walks of life.
- We fight for the maximum compensation for you, because ultimately your job is to make the company successful, and they should at least ensure your safety in exchange.
- When we calculate your claim amount, we factor in loss of earnings, general expenses and any ongoing costs incurred, so that you get the highest level of compensation due to you.
- We’re friendly, empathetic and here to help you however we can.