Personal Injury Claims from Accidents at Work - Compensation Lawyers

Personal Injury from Accidents in the Workplace — Claim Compensation

If you have suffered a personal injury in your place of work, and hold employer negligence responsible, contact us to claim compensation. We provide a free claim assessment, to help establish liability, and offer our services on a no win, no fee * basis. Call 08082391859^ to speak to an expert.

Workplace Personal Injury Claims in the UK

Your workplace should be a safe-space, whatever job or role you have. Employers have a duty of care to maintain your wellbeing and health; breaching this duty is considered employer negligence. Negligence makes them liable for damages, fines, prohibition, and even prosecution. If you have suffered a personal injury from your workplace, we might be able to help you claim compensation for the accident. This will help you recover financially, as well as aid in preventing accidents from happening to other colleagues, by reinforcing the need for proper workplace health and safety.

For no win, no fee * accident claims, contact our team of workplace injury specialists today on 08082391859^.

Warehouse staff learning to use forklift for proper storage management
Warehouse staff learning to use forklift for proper storage management

What are the most common types of workplace personal injury?

Of all the industries one can work in, there are common types of injury employees sustain from workplace accidents. Generally, accidents are in the form of slips, trips and falls, manual handling and being struck by moving objects — these collectively make up 59% of all the 600,000 work accidents reported to RIDDOR in 18/19. In terms of how that has affected employees’ physically, the types of personal injuries in order of occurrences are:

  • Sprains and strains — 28% (19,490)
  • Fractures — 28% (19,209)
  • Contusions — 10% (7,083)
  • Lacerations and open wounds — 10% (6,783)
  • Unclassified or unknown — 12% (8,558 — 8%, 4% respectively)
  • Superficial injuries — 3% (1,910)
  • Burns — 3% (1,860)
  • Dislocations — 2% (1,048)
  • Concussion and internal injuries — 1% (966)
  • Loss of consciousness from head injuries or asphyxia — 1% (749)
  • Amputations — <1% (574)
  • Multiple Injuries — <1% (463)
  • Total loss or reduction of eyesight — <1% (133)
  • Injuries from contact with electricity — <1% (130)
  • Crushing resulting in internal organ injury — <1% (77)
  • Injuries from work in confined spaces — <1% (61)
  • Scalping — <1% (46)
  • Poisoning or gassings — 1% (32)

It might be worth nothing that the scope of injuries reported to RIDDOR are lower than they ought to be. It is known that there is substantial underreporting, and thus the scale of workplace personal injury is likely much higher than the above statistics. The reasons for this are complex. There may be instances where employers are seeking to avoid responsibility (which in itself could be negligent behaviour). Or that employees aren’t considering accidents to be serious enough to be reported, or if they feel it could be their own fault.

If you have been injured in any of these ways, or in ways that aren’t being reported, speak to our team of employer negligence experts. We can help you evaluate if your personal injury is the result of your workplace, practices, or policies and if you have a claim for compensation. We’re available on 08082391859^ and provide friendly and impartial guidance.

Slipping, tripping and falling on same level at work accident, no win, no fee claims
Slipping, tripping and falling on same level at work accident

What types of workplace injury are resulting in employee fatalities?

Of the 147 worker deaths reported in 2018/19, the most common cause of fatalities were: multiple injuries (45), concussions and internal injuries (34), fractures (8), poisonings or gassings (6), contact with electricity (4), lacerations (2) and amputation (1). Of the remaining 47, some injuries weren’t reported or a combination of crushing, scalping, or asphyxia.

If you have lost a loved one in any of these ways — or any other not listed — due to their workplace, we can help you seek compensation to support you and hold the negligent employer responsible. Speak to us on 08082391859^ — we’re available to provide guidance whenever it suits you and offer a friendly and empathetic service.

I’ve been suffering from pain because of work, but it wasn’t from an accident — can I still claim?

You’d be referring to musculoskeletal disorders, and they are far more common than you’d think. Whilst they’re not considered to be a severe as accidents sustained whilst working, they can be lifelong problems for employees, especially if not given the opportunity to recover. In terms of claiming for them, it can be tricky to establish a case for employer liability. However, by contacting our specialists, we will listen to you and evaluate if you have a potential case for compensation; all free of charge.

Musculoskeletal disorder from working causing back pain
Young woman suffering from back pain in office

There were estimated to be half a million people suffering from work-related musculoskeletal disorders in 2018/19. 41% of people reported their upper arms — especially in shoulder, hands, or wrists — or their neck were the area of concern. 40% said their back, lumbar spine or “trunk” was causing them difficulty. A further 19% cited the issue to be in their legs, particularly in the knee.

Call us on 08082391859^ if you feel your employer is at fault for your skeletal, joint or muscle pain. There’s no charge for just fielding questions, and if you do have a claim, we can provide our services on a no win, no fee* basis.

Which industries have the highest rates of accidents resulting in personal injury to employees?

The sectors with the highest rates of injury are quite surprising. The method is to create a figure per 100,000 workers, as industries fluctuate in size, which paints a picture of incidences of injury proportionately to all industries in the UK. The highest rates by sector are:

What’s curious is how there is a lack of correlation between jobs viewed as typically safe and actual injury rates. Employment in public administration for example shouldn’t have nearly as many injuries as it does. In terms of waste management, the sector is too small to provide an estimate (like that of mining and quarrying) but has an actual number of injuries and employee casualties much higher than most other industries listed.

Falling from a height at work resulting in injury
Construction worker falling from a ladder at work, resulting in knee injury

It isn’t so important in terms of what role you had when you were injured, more so that the employer in question can be seen to have acted negligently and broke their duty of care to you. If you feel like this is the case, speak to our experts who will help you build a case to claim compensation — we’re available on 08082391859^.

What advantages do I have if I claim workplace personal injury compensation with Workplace Injury Claims?

  1. We have a team of technical qualifiers who can assess your claim for free. If they feel you have a case, we bring your claim to one of our panel solicitors — that way you don’t run up any legal fees by just asking questions.
  2. Our telephony team is available daily, but you can leave them a message with our contact form, and they’ll get back to you within a few working days.
  3. Our panel of workplace injury solicitors can work on a no win, no fee * basis, meaning again, you’re not drumming up expensive legal fees by claiming for your personal injury.
  4. Our team covers the whole of the UK, and you’ll be assigned to a panel solicitor depending on if you’re in England and Wales, or Scotland.
  5. We have helped thousands of injured people claim compensation.
  6. We can also help with rehabilitation; arranging physio or, in harsher situations, surgery and medical treatment. Furthermore, we offer a full accident management package.
  7. We have a UK call centre, based in Manchester, and come from all walks of life.
  8. We fight for the maximum compensation for your work injury, because ultimately your job is to make the company successful, and they should at least ensure your safety in exchange.
  9. When we calculate your claim amount, we factor in loss of earnings, general expenses and any ongoing costs incurred by the injury, so that you get the highest level of compensation due to you.
  10. We’re friendly, empathetic and here to help you however we can.
Friends Legal Workplace Accident, Injury & Illness Claim Experts

Get in touch with our workplace injury solicitors today to find out if and how much compensation you could claim.

If you’ve had an accident at work and your employer is at fault, call our personal injury helpline today on 08082391859^ to start your claim — we’re here to help.

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