Training, teaching, educating people on workplace safety

Education & Teaching — Claiming Employer Negligence

If you have suffered an injury whilst working in education, and feel employer negligence is to blame, contact us to claim compensation today. We can offer our services on a no win, no fee * basis. We provide a free claim assessment, with no-obligation to you. Get started by calling 08082391859^ today.

Education Health & Safety in the UK

There is no underplaying the role education has on people living in the UK. It sets us up to interpret complex ideas, communicate in multiple methods; how to function within societal systems and understand the world around us. The education sector employees roughly 11% of the working population and includes teachers and learning support at all levels, from primary to doctorate, special needs to adult education, as well as sport instruction and even military training. Educational institutes, and therefore education workers, are present right across the entirety of the UK, with even small settlements usually housing some form of teaching centre for local youths.

We generally treat education as quite a safe profession, in contrast to all other industries in the UK. However, workplace injury and work-related ill-health statistics show us this isn’t quite the case, as it has the 3rd highest rate of occupational illness of all sectors. Furthermore, numbers seem to be slowly climbing when looking at figures for the last couple of decades.

teaching STEM female programming

Teachers, especially at compulsory levels such as primary and secondary school, really have their work cut out for them. They’re responsible for the safety and success of their students. They often sacrifice many aspects of their own personal lives to accommodate these requirements, generally from long or irregular hours and time pressures. This might go far in explaining why over 50% of education’s employee ill-health cases are in the form of stress, anxiety, and depression. A further quarter of cases are from musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, RSI and carpal tunnel syndrome. In total, it seems there is an estimate annual average of 129,000 education sector workers experiencing ill-health.

The injury rate for education, whilst minimal in comparison to that of farming and agriculture, is still fairly typical in relation to other sectors. It is calculated that about 1.5% of all education sector workers experience an injury every year — an estimated 51,000 work-related personal injuries. Whilst the trend of injury is in slow decline, manual handling accidents, slips, trips and falls as well as violent assault are still quite commonplace. Educators shouldn’t be scared for their personal safety whilst installing knowledge upon students.

Claim compensation for an injury or illness from working in education with our solicitors.

In some situations, complacent management, a lack of risk assessment or general negligence can put education staff in harms way. We aim to help educators access compensation for pain and suffering they have experienced as a result. We offer a free claim assessment service, in which we can help you ratify your case and identify whether you will have a successful claim for employer negligence compensation. Speak to us on 08082391859^ — we’re available daily, for your convenience.

education reading learning teaching

What are the most common causes of accidents whilst working in education, resulting in injury?

The top reported accident types in education are:

Generally, injuries come in the form of routine tasks that have gone awry and don’t always result in serious injury in education workers. What’s interesting is that the two main source of statistics — RIDDOR and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) — show conflicting lengths of absences for injuries. Over 7 days lost to an injury is usually quite serious, which RIDDOR reported 62% of accidents required teachers to take off. However, the LFS only reported 13% of injuries resulted in seven days or more of absence. Gleaming from what we know of the two sources, LFS paints a better picture of the scale of workplace injury. Meaning that in this case, the vast majority of injuries to workers in education aren’t reported unless they are quite severe.

Educators are also at risk from acts of violence, especially where military training is concerned, but it’s also something that occurs in more deprived regions, where at-risk students display violent tendencies to staff.

If you’ve been injured whilst working as a teacher, lecturer or trainer, and you feel like your employer, workplace practices or work environment is to blame, speak to our team of employer negligence experts. We can help assess your claim and provide our services on a no win, no fee * basis. Call today on 08082391859^ to discuss your claim.

Hazards Present in Education & Training Workplaces
Hazards Present in Education & Training Workplaces – Source European Union Occupational Health Agency survey 2014

What occupational illnesses are typical in the education sector, and what causes them?

The highest rates of work-related illness come in the form of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as muscle, joint and skeletal disorders. The former’s rates are particularly high in comparison to other UK industries, and the latter, aka musculoskeletal disorders, are statistically lower. The factors that influence these are some of the most commonly present risks in education workplaces. These are, in order:

  1. Difficult customers (although, in this case, students)
  2. Lifting and moving
  3. Tiring and/or painful positions
  4. Time pressures
  5. Chemical and/or biological
  6. Slips, trips, or falls
  7. Repetitive movements
  8. Long or irregular hours

Except for slipping, tripping or falling and chemical hazards, any one of these can cause mental anguish or physiological disorders. It goes far in explaining why there are an estimated 129,000 cases of ill-health each year. The chemicals present as a hazard can often develop into contact dermatitis, and other skin diseases.

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There is also a growing number of cases being attributed to asbestos exposure. Many older buildings have been constructed with asbestos for fire-retardants. The asbestos is typically safe if airtight in its application, but there have been a number of cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos related illnesses, like lung disease, due to exposure from buildings contaminated, or poorly maintained, with the substance. To make matters worse, conditions like asbestosis can take years or even decades to manifest. They typically appear as standard cold and flu symptoms beforehand, if you’re at all concerned about the risk of past exposure, speak to our team — we’re experts in handling asbestos claims.

If you’ve suffered ill-health or disease from your workplace and feel you have a case for employer negligence, contact our team. We can help evaluate your claim and can help you receive compensation on a no win, no fee * basis. We’re available on 08082391859^ to answer your questions.

Does the education sector worker experience any employee fatalities?

There is an average of one fatality each year for education employees. Obviously, this is one too many. Coincidentally, there is also an annual average of 4 fatal injuries to members of the public in education environments. These fatalities are varied in nature, and giving detailed information might reveal personal data about those involved. However, they follow the general trends of accident types resulting in serious injury, such as falls from heights.

We can help loved ones claim compensation for the loss of life, or if that person has become seriously ill or disabled. We aim to seek damages to help support families during such tragedies. Speak to us whenever it suits you on 08082391859^ for friendly and empathetic guidance.

What advantages do I have if I claim for employer negligence compensation with Workplace Injury Claims?

  1. We have a team of technical qualifiers who can assess your claim for free. If they feel you have a case, we bring your claim to one of our panel solicitors — that way you don’t run up any legal fees by just asking questions.
  2. Our telephony team is open daily, but you can leave them a message with our contact form, and they’ll get back to you within a few working days.
  3. Our panel of employer liability solicitors can work on a no win, no fee * basis, meaning again, you’re not drumming up expensive legal fees by claiming for your personal injury or illness.
  4. Our team covers the whole of the UK, and you’ll be assigned to a panel solicitor depending on if you’re in England and Wales, or Scotland.
  5. We have helped many people claim compensation who have worked in education.
  6. We can also help with rehabilitation; arranging physio or, in harsher situations, surgery and medical treatment. Furthermore, we offer an entire accident management package.
  7. We have a UK call centre, based in Manchester, and come from all walks of life.
  8. We fight for the maximum compensation for you, because ultimately your job is to make the company successful, and they should at least ensure your safety in exchange.
  9. When we calculate your claim amount, we factor in loss of earnings, general expenses and any ongoing costs incurred, so that you get the highest level of compensation due to you.
  10. We’re friendly, empathetic and here to help you however we can.
Friends Legal Workplace Accident, Injury & Illness Claim Experts

Get in touch with our employer negligence solicitors today to find out if and how much compensation you could claim.

If you’ve suffered because of work in education and your employer is at fault, call our helpline today on 08082391859^ to start your claim — we’re here to help.

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